Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Royal Wedding Fever

Unless you are like a geico commercial and have truly been under rock for the last seven months, you are more than aware that a really big wedding is happening this Friday.  Of course, I'm talking about the Wedding of Prince William to his longtime girlfriend, Kate Middleton.  With a tv audience expected to be 2.5 billion, it is definitely going to be a monumental event.

I can't wait for it to be over.

Oh, don't get me wrong.  I  will watch the actual wedding ( like I have a choice, it will be the ONLY thing on tv when I'm getting the kids ready for school) and I will be a little sad that the Prince's mother, Princess Diana, can only attend in spirit.  Also,  I am very curious to see Kate in her wedding dress and who can forget their carriage ride through London as officially man and wife.  After that, I will have lost interest which leaves me with two questions.

Question 1.)  Does it have to be on so many channels?
     Seriously, how much tv representation does this require?  All the network channels will be there as well as cable news(most have been there since yesterday).  That should do it but no.  TLC, E television, MyStyle and a host of others are all going to give us ALL day coverage starting as early as 4 a.m. ( I will, however, give a pass to BBC America because it is occuring in England.) Who is going to get up at 4a.m. unless they have to be or is just a raging insomniac?  I am half tempted to flip over to Sportcenter to see if they will have any highlights of the affair or see if Spongebob Squarepants is doing a special episode on Nickelodeon.  I realize ti is a big event but with a majority of Americans already receiving network and/or cable news, that is more than sufficient coverage.  On to my next question.

Question 2.) Does it really have to be on ALL day?
     Well, let's get more specific.  Most channels are showing all royal specials all this week which I'm here to say, gets pretty old.  Let's face it, these are not real exciting people and some channels have already shown the same specials twice(yawn).   By the time the big day gets here, everyone is going to be royaled out!  As stated before, most channels are starting at 4a.m.(time difference, I realize)  and will go all throughout the day, giving us play by play coverage; where the betrothed couple are, what they are doing, what people invited wore to the wedding and so on.  I am almost afraid that I will be told exactly when Kate has to use the loo!  Sincerely, after the wedding, there really is no point in carrying on because no cameras will be allowed anywhere else.  Regular broadcasting should resume and everyone should go on with lives.  Unfortunately, that would be too simple.

     So here is my advice For April 29.  Get up about 6:00,watch the wedding, and promptly shut off your tv.
     And pray quickly for the arrival of April 30th.


  1. Good points! I agree! My mother-in-law told me her co-worker is taking the day off of work Friday, just so she can watch it (doesn't have a vcr/dvr etc...) I mean, COME ON! That's a little crazy to say the least!!! I haven't been watching the specials and really don't have much interest in watching the wedding (or if I do, I'll turn it off right after, like you said!)

  2. Thanks Amy and thanks for fanning. It is def. overkill:)
