Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2011 or 1811- It's hard to tell.

     On Thursday, April 7, 2011, NARAL Pro-Choice America is holding a rally in Washington D.C. to protest against the recent backlash against women and the right for them to choose what is best for their reproductive health.  With a slew of new Republican governors and a Republican controlled Congress with Tea Party fever, being a fertile woman has never been more risky.

     The first missile launched in this "war on prenatal citizens"(Thanks Geogia State Rep. Bobby Franklin )  was the vote in the House to defund Planned Parenthood, a vital organization founded by birth control pioneer, Margaret Sanger.  P.P has been providing low income and no income health services including Pap smears, STD and HIV testing, birth control, pregnancy testing , and  (yes) prenatal care to thousands of women.  While they do perform abortions, it only accounts for 3% of  their total business.  They also provide free health services to men as well.  But because abortions are a provided service(which the last time I checked was still LEGAL in the U.S)  close-minded law makers decided to ignore the other 97% of the good they do for communities.

     Which brings me to the new crop of state governors.  Like sharks at a bloody feeding frenzy, this pack of predators is making it their mission to legislate the utereus.  From Bob Mcconnell in Virginia, who wants to treat abortion clinics to the same policies as hospitals(do you think he cares how wide the doorways are).  By doing this, 17 of  Virginia's 21 clinics would have to close(again, abortion is a legal procedure).  To Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota, who just signed a new bill requiring women in his state to a three day waitng period and to undergo pregnancy counseling(most likely propaganda) to "make good choices".  More like to make the "choice" he wants.

  All of these actions make me glad I chose to have my tubes tied after the birth of my second child.  But I'm anxiously waiting to be arrested for preventing prenatal citizens.



  1. Margaret Sanger also believed in and advocated Eugenics...

  2. Thanks for the comment. I know Margaret had some controversial ideas but my main point was that she advocated women's health. Abortion is a legal procedure and women should be able to obtain one if they choose. Good point though:)
